Welcome to the Highways Service Information Centre
As part of a planning consent granted by Rochford District Council associated with the Wolsey Park development on London Road (next to Lower Barn Farm), some works are due to take place during July and August related to local highway improvements.
These include:
The developer proposes the following traffic restrictions:
From 12th of July to 15th of August 2021 – seven days a week - 7am to 7pm:
• Single file traffic with 2-way temporary signals. 2 way lights to operate 24/7
• Footway diversions will be in place..
• Works to take place Monday to Sunday from 7am to 7pm.
From 16 to 21 August - overnight:
• Complete night closure for final surface application on London Road.
These works have been phased taking into consideration other development works in the area, such as London Rd/Little Wheatley Chase, to ensure that traffic management arrangements are co-ordinated and clashes avoided, to keep any anticipated travel disruption to a minimum.
Traffic management will be reviewed and adjusted where necessary according to the works being undertaken.
We recommend however that drivers allow extra time when passing through the area and observe all signage in place.
Please note that dates may be subject to change if the works are affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
Please note that the programme may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
We aim to keep residents and businesses updated via this webpage and site signage. Information will also be shared with local parish councils.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: one.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed.
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