Sudbury Road, Gestingthorpe

Works location and photos
Sudbury Road, Gestingthorpe
Sudbury Road, Gestingthorpe
About the scheme
Along Sudbury Road, Gestingthorpe, there is a 130-metre length of stream that is separated from the carriageway by a concrete retaining wall. The retaining wall had failed in places and temporary barriers are currently on site separating vehicles from the stream.
The existing carriageway is 5 metres wide and there is currently no kerb along either side of the carriageway. The watercourse at the base of the retaining wall has begun to undercut the wall. The stream runs between two culverts on this section of road, one of these culverts restricts the flow of water.
The works
The existing watercourse will be moved further away from the road and the failing concrete retaining wall is to be replaced with an engineered embankment to support the carriageway. This will allow the road to be widened and kerbed, especially on the bend at Hill Farm.
The existing culvert at Hill Farm will be extended and the other one replaced with a larger pipe, that will allow a greater volume of water to flow down the stream. This will reduce the amount of flooding of the road.
What is involved and how it may affect you
Works are planned to start on Monday 18 January 2021 and expected to take approximately six weeks to complete.
In order to support these works it will be necessary to close Sudbury Road to all vehicles 24 hours a day for the duration of the works. This will allow machinery and equipment to be safely manoeuvred on the highway and to provide the necessary protection to the public and the workforce. Whenever possible and safe to during these works, we will reopen the road using two-way temporary traffic lights. Access to the sewage works and for other emergency services will be maintained if required.
A signed diversion route will be in place using the following roads: Sudbury Road, Church Street, Hedingham Road, Church Road, The Street and vice versa. The route can be seen in the documents section below.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
Further information
Please note that the work programme may be subject to change if works are affected by poor weather (heavy rainfall etc.) or if unexpected issues arise.
We will share the latest information about the works and progress updates on this webpage as the scheme progresses.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: One.Network or the @essexhighways twitter feed.
Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation while we undertake these necessary works.