Butt Lane, Maldon - reconstruction of retaining wall

View of Downs Road, Butt Lane and The Downs junction prior to works
About the scheme
Arrangements have been made to reconstruct an Essex Highways’ structure on Butt Lane in Maldon. The retaining wall is located to the rear of the highway verge on the junction of Butt Lane and Downs Road. The wall, which is not visible from the highway, is in a deteriorating condition and has been leaning for a significant period. Regular monitoring of the structure has been carried out during this time.
It is our intention to remove and replace the structure with two smaller retaining walls, slightly narrowing the verge in the process.
Due to the nature of the work required and limited working area, two semi-mature silver birch trees located within the highway verge will need to be removed. Trees are an important feature within the local environment and decisions taken to remove trees are not taken lightly. On this occasion however, removal of the trees will be necessary particularly given the additional risk they pose in the event of root damage or should the trees fall with them being situated immediately above a medium press gas main and below telecommunication cables.
The area will benefit from a landscaping scheme once the wall construction is complete, that shall enhance the local area.
What is involved and how it may affect you
The work began on 2 October 2023, however it has been necessary to extend the work programme to the end of November 2023, due to additional works identified on site.
The site team will be working between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. No weekend working is currently expected.
Temporary road restrictions will be in place to support our works. This includes a temporary one-way system on Downs Road at the junction of Butt Lane, for a distance of approximately 85 metres. This will allow traffic to flow in a north easterly direction only (i.e., flow down the hill towards the Boatyard – Heritage Marine from Butt Lane). A signed diversion route shall be in place in the other direction.
Please note that Butt Lane and Butt Lane Car Park will remain accessible from the High Street throughout the works.
Due to additional working area required, at the entrance to junction of The Downs/Butt Lane extending a short way into Downs Road, lane reductions will apply to keep the workforce and public safely separated. Please take additional care when travelling in the area to observe signage in place.
Pedestrian access will remain unaffected by these restrictions which will be in place 24 hours a day until the works are complete.
The latest information will be reflected on site signage, with updates reflected on this webpage.
Further information
Please be aware that our work programme may be subject to change if the works are affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.
The latest information will be reflected on site signage with updates also reflected on this webpage.
For details about other roadworks in the area, please visit One.network or the @essexhighways twitter feed and Facebook page.