A414 Maldon Road, Woodham Mortimer - Maldon Crematorium

Works location and photos

View of A414, Maldon Road
Public Right of Way diversion

About the works

A new crematorium is being constructed on the A414 on Maldon Road opposite St Margaret’s Church in Woodham Mortimer (situated on the A414 between Lodge Road and Rectory Lane).  Planning approval was granted to Elegy by Maldon District Council (reference 21/01276/FUL).

To support this work, an entrance is being constructed on the A414, with carriageway widening to the south to accommodate a new right turn lane into the site to make access to the new crematorium easier for visitors.

Works will also include the construction of a new pedestrian crossing island on the A414 to the west of the crematorium entrance as well as the relocation of the southern bus stop.  A new pavement from the bus stop to the entrance is also being added.

Following the works, a new and improved Public Right of Way entrance and route will also be available.

How it will affect you

From 5 August 2024, works will take place with lane restrictions managed by temporary traffic signals operational during off peak periods (9.00am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday), to limit delays during typical commuting periods.

A temporary speed limit of 30 mph is necessary for safety reasons during these works.

A limited number of overnight road closures may be necessary later in the programme, which will be advertised in advance.

Pedestrian access will be maintained via the northern pavement which will not be disturbed during the works.  The Public Right of Way (WM17) has been diverted (via the side of Lions seeds) during the construction period, with a new entrance and route to be fully opened following completion of the works.

Drivers are encouraged to allow additional travelling time during the nine week construction period, taking extra care when passing  through the area as delays are expected.

Passenger Transport

Bus operators will be informed of the work programme so they can consider adjustments to their services if appropriate.

Further information

The developer is responsible for ensuring residents and businesses are informed of key information and changes to the programme if the need arises.

We aim to keep the public updated via this webpage as information becomes available.

Please note that the programme may be subject to change if affected by poor weather or if unexpected issues arise.

Contact details

If you have questions relating to this scheme, please contact Elegy’s Head of Technical Services, David Loudfoot.

  • Email: david@elegy.co.uk
  • Address:  Maldon Fields Ltd, Maldon Crematorium, Maldon Road, Woodham Mortimer, CM19 6SN.

Developer’s contractor:

  • Address: Natta Ltd, C/O Maldon Crematorium site office, Maldon Road, Woodham Mortimer, CM19 6SN